Poética no-humana
Anderson, Laurie, dir. Heart of a Dog. Criterion Collection, 2015. Película.
Baker, John Alec (1967). El peregrino. Buenos Aires, Sigilo: 2016. Impreso.
Berger, John (1980). Modos de ver. Barcelona, Editorial GG: 2016. Impreso.
Brown, Eric. C. (Ed) (2006). Insect Poetics. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press: 2006. Impreso.
Carson, Rachel (1951). El mar que nos rodea. Barcelona, Crítica: 2019. Impreso.
Godard, Jean Luc, dir. Adios al lenguaje. Wild Bunch, 2014. Película.
Hearn, Lafcadio (1894-1905). “Butterflies”, “Mosquitoes”, “Ants”, “Story of a Fly”, “Fireflies”, “Dragon-flies”, “Sémi”, “Insect-Musicians”, “Kusa-Hibari”, “Some Poems about Insects”, “Insects and Greek Poetry”, ”Some French Poetry about Insects”, “Insect Politics”, “Under the Electric Light”, “——! ——!! Mosquitoes!!!”, “The Festive”, “The Jewel Insect”, “Dr. Hava’s Tarantula”, “Gaki”, “The Dream of Akinosuké”. Insect Literature. Dublin: Swan River Press, 2015. Impreso.
Hediger, Vinzenz (2022). “Not the animal is blind, but the human being, blinded by consciousness and incapable of seeing the world: A Note on Roxy Miéville, Star of Jean-Luc Godard’s First Animal Picture, Adieu au Langage”. Senses of Cinema #100, 2022. http://www.sensesofcinema.com/2022/forms-that-think-jean-luc-godard/not-the-animal-is-blind-but-the-human-being-blinded-by-consciousness-and-incapable-of-seeing-the-world-a-note-on-roxy-mieville-star-of-jean-luc-godards-first-animal-picture-adieu-au-lang/
Jeong, Seung-hoon (2009). “André Bazin's Ontological Other: The Animal in Adventure Films”. Senses of Cinema #51: Towards an Ecology of Cinema, 2013. https://www.sensesofcinema.com/2009/towards-an-ecology-of-cinema/andre-bazin-animals-adventure-films/
Kossakovsky, Viktor, dir. Aquarela. Damned Distribution, 2019. Película.
Le Guin, Ursula K. (1986). “Heroes”. Dancing at the Edge of the World. Nueva York: Grove, 1989. 171-5. Impreso.
Leo Cahill, James (2019). Zoological Surrealism: The Non-Human Cinema of Jean Painlevé. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019. Impreso.
Lenz, William E. (1995). The Poetics of the Antarctic: A Study in Nineteenth-Century American Cultural Perceptions. Nueva York: Garland, 1995. Impreso.
MacFarlane, Robert (2019). Bajotierra: Un viaje por las profundidades del tiempo. Bogotá: Penguin Random House, 2021. Impreso.
Painlevé, Jean, dir. L’Hippocampe. Les Documents Cinématographiques, 1933. Película.
—-. Amours de la pieuvre. Cinégraphie Documentaire, 1965. Película.
—-. Acera ou Le bal des sorcières. Les Documents Cinématographiques, 1972. Película.
Payne, Mark (2010). The Animal Part: Human and Other Animals in the Poetic Imagination. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010. Impreso.
Remaud, Olivier (2020). Pensar como un iceberg. Madrid: Gallo Negro, 2022. Impreso.
Salazar, Juan Francisco (2017). “Speculative Fabulation: Researching Worlds to Come in Antarctica”. Researching Emerging and Uncertain Worlds. Ed. Juan Francisco Salazar, Sarah pink, Andrew Irving & Johannes Sjöberg. Londres y Nueva York: Bloomsbury, 2017. 151-170. Impreso.
Sánchez, Maria Paola, ed. (2019). El hielo de otros. Bogotá: Selva y Hambre, 2019. Impreso.
Tuan, Yi-Fu (1993). "Desert and Ice: Ambivalent Aesthetics." Landscape, Natural Beauty, and the Arts. Ed. Salim Kemal and Ivan Gaskell. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993. 139–57. Impreso.